
Frontiers of Knowledge Awards 2023 BBVA Foundation

The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards honor important advances to scientific knowledge, technology, the humanities, and artistic expression.



The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards are given in the following disciplines and domains:


Fundamental Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics)
Biochemistry and Biomedicine
Technologies of Information and Communication
Ecology and environmental conservation Biology
Changes in the Climate
Management, Economics, and Finance
Social Sciences and Humanities
Opera and music

The Climate Change Prize acknowledges both research endeavors and impactful activities informed by the finest science in addressing this challenge. The award will rotate annually between the Humanities and Social Sciences, with the sixteenth edition dedicated to the Social Sciences. Finally, the category Music and Opera includes composition, instrumental and vocal performance, musical and stage direction, and video art creation related to musical or operatic works.

BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards Requirements
Candidates may be one or more natural individuals of any nationality who have made independent or convergent contributions to a particular advance, whether through formal collaboration (with nominees belonging to one or more groups) or parallel effort. The awards are also accessible to scientific or cultural groups that have made remarkable contributions to scientific knowledge, cultural production, or climate change mitigation.
Posthumous awards are not permitted.


In each of the eight categories, the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards include 400,000 euros, a diploma, and a commemorative artwork.
If an award is shared by more than one person, the monetary value will be distributed evenly among all recipients.

All rewards, regardless of category, will be subject to withholding and other taxes mandated by current legislation, which will be deducted from the total amount.

Self-nomination is not allowed.

Nominations can be submitted by any scientific or cultural organization or institution using their own internal procedures. Among them are:

Societies and organizations that are scientific or artistic a Academies of science and culture at the national and regional levels
R&D facilities, whether public or commercial
University faculties, departments, or institutes, as well as research or teaching institutions
Departments of medicine and biomedical research facilities
Music conservatories
Orchestras, orchestra groups, opera houses, and opera houses
Public agencies and supranational, national, or regional organizations that are heavily involved in climate change analysis and/or activities
Other organizations involved in science, culture, and the environment
Past recipients of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards, as well as Nobel Prize winners in any of their categories, are eligible to nominate.

For more information, please visit:

Go to the Official Website
The application deadline is June 30, 2023

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