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The King Carl Gustaf Masters Scholarship 2023 - gospelcable.com

The King Carl Gustaf Masters Scholarship 2023

The King Carl Gustaf Scholarship is intended for students who live in hazardous and unsafe circumstances in areas affected by armed conflict or natural disasters. The scholarships will pay the entire cost of tuition at Uppsala University. It is for Master’s programs that begin on August 28, 2023 and are available during the current admission round. Living expenses are not covered by the scholarships.

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The King Carl Gustaf Masters Scholarship eligibility criteria
You must be a citizen of Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Iraq, Mali, Mexico, Nigeria, Somalia, Syria, or Yemen.

You must demonstrate why you are particularly vulnerable and hence in need of the educational environment at Uppsala University, as well as that you possess the necessary academic talent.
Only a Master’s course at Uppsala University can be awarded a King Carl Gustaf scholarship as first priority (the programme which you have ranked the highest of the four programmes you can choose at University Admissions).

You must have applied for the Master’s degree program prior to the University Admissions deadline.
You must meet the entry requirements for the program to which you have applied. University Admissions must receive your application money and any supporting documents before the deadline.
Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Iraq, Mali, Mexico, Nigeria, Somalia, Syria, or Yemen are all eligible.

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Master class

Tuition fee is the award’s monetary value.

Number of Awards: Unspecified

To be considered for a scholarship, you must first apply for a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree at Uppsala University at www.universityadmissions.se between 17 October 2022 and 16 January 2023. The program at Uppsala University should be your top priority.

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See the application guide for further information.

Application deadline: 1 February 2023, 23:59 CET (Central European Time).


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