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The movement of visitors in communities must be observed by locals, warns Bauchi hunter

Ahmad Mohammed Kwarah, a local hunter who specializes in capturing bandits, kidnappers, and other criminally inclined individuals in Bauchi State, has urged locals to be cautious about the movements of visitors within their domains.

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Speaking in an interview with gospelcable in Bauchi, Kwarah, who took over the position from his deceased older brother, Ali Kwarah, said that in order to reduce incidents of banditry and kidnapping, all eyes must be on the suspicious movement of visitors passing through or settling in the state.

According to Ali, many communities welcome strangers without necessarily learning who they are, possibly as a result of the relative peace that prevails there.

“Unlike us, who are peacefully living here, people in places where there is a breach of peace hardly ever receive visitors just like that; instead, they must scrutinize them. Yes, it’s good to have guests, but we must exercise extra caution when hosting them. People should report strangers with questionable backgrounds to the appropriate authorities; they should not harbor them, he advised.

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“We have been helping to maintain safety and peaceful coexistence both inside and outside of Azare, where I was born. You cannot hear any kidnapping or banditry incidents in Azare as I speak to you right now because we have been successful in putting a stop to them, Ahmad Kwarah said.

The bandit fighter claimed that with the assistance of the Police and other security organizations, he and his team carry out their operations throughout Nigeria.

“We praise God that we are prospering, and many people are aware that we are doing well in our business. Many people are praying for us to succeed in this fight against bandits and kidnappers, and thank God we are, the hunter said. “We really appreciate the support of the general public in this endeavor.

Ahmad Kwara noted that drugs are to blame for 95% of theft and burglary cases and claimed that by pursuing drug dealers in Azare, cases of theft and burglary among young people have drastically decreased.

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